Thankyou Philipp for the infomation. Philipp wrote:
You don't. I'd install into a directory under /opt and make that direcory and all files below it belong to the user cricket in the spec file.
I changed the line in the spec file to /usr/sbin/useradd -r -o -c "Cricket SNMP Monitor" -s /bin/false -d %{_libdir}/%{name} %{name} 2> /dev/null || : Question: What syntax do I use for the following commands in the specfile ? , and in which section should these commands be in ? # cd /opt # gunzip -c cricket-1.0.5.tar.gz| tar xopf - # /bin/ln -s cricket-1.0.5 cricket # cd cricket # /bin/cp -v Also how do you change the ownership of the files /opt/cricket Have you got an example please. Thanks for the info Glenn. Project -> -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: