On vie, 2023-06-16 at 08:52 +0200, Eric Schirra wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2023, 08:42:15 CEST schrieb Johannes Kastl:
Good morning Eric,
On 14.06.23 at 20:54 Eric Schirra wrote:
The macro sle15_python_module_pythons is already entered in the ProjektConf by Suse. You just don't see it. It is in a "hidden area" of the ProjectConf. But you can read it via the console and with OSC. And the is already on python3.11 But only on 3.11.
But you can just overwrite it in your project's prjconf? And set whatever python versions you want?
I wanted to keep building for 3.10 until 3.11 is fully usable. Hence I set it in
If I understood it correctly, you would have to use the %{?sle15allpythons}.
The macro %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} builds only one version. In the case of Leap 15.5, this is 3.11.
But I am not sure about that either.
I also still don't understand why you can't just build all python versions, like with Tumbleweed.
The macro %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} defaults to "%global pythons python311" in Leap15.4 and it's empty in TW. %pythons is "python3" in Leap 15.4 and "python39 python310 python311" in TW. This macro is just to override the default "%pythons", so if you've a custom project and want to build for something different you can just override this macro in the project configuration. For example: %sle15_python_module_pythons() %global pythons python311 python310 python3 Will build all packages with that macro for python311, python310 and python3 in your project. This macro is there to make it easy to build modern packages for different python versions in SLES and Leap, without touching stable packages, so the "%pythons" macro is not modified at project level. -- Daniel García Moreno Python Packager