20 Jul
20 Jul
On 7/20/21 9:01 PM, Jason Craig wrote:
Here's another question: how do I do a conditional BuildRequires? The Python Packaging wiki page says
"For projects inheriting their project configuration from openSUSE:Factory or devel:languages:python:backports, you can reference the Python version of the expanded flavor itself by using the pseudo %python macro (don't define %python anywhere else):
BuildRequires: %{python_module aiocontextvars >= 0.2.2 if %python-base < 3.7}"
But this doesn't appear to be working in the Leap 15.3 build
I ran into this issue myself and Ben was so kind to explain it in detail (see end of his message on the python pkg. list): https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/python@lists.opensuse.org/message/D... Ciao, Michael.