On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 9:28 AM Johannes Kastl <kastl@b1-systems.de> wrote:
Good <insert-time-of-day> everyone,
I am trying to package pynitrokey for openSUSE, which requires https://github.com/nxp-mcuxpresso/pypemicro
I packaged it and it builds successfully, but only on x86_64. All other architectures fail, as apparently the module does not support it. I am in clarification with upstream.
If x86_64 is really the only architecture, how would I prevent builds for other architectures? Simply disable the build targets in my branched project, submit to dlp (and disable them there too) and submit to Factory asking to only build for x86_64?
Or is there something I should add inside the spec? ExclusiveArch or ExcludeArch sound like they could do the job, not sure if they are being used for openSUSE?
Yes, they are used. If you want to submit to the Factory this is most certainly the correct way to do it.