I would have a proposal: every time one of us makes a new package (not a new release, but start packaging a project you didn't do before), send a mail on this list. What do you guys think ? Feasible ? Too much overhead ?
Sounds like a plan.
What about everyone maintaining a public repository introducing himself here ? - - shortly
James Ogley, 29, British, married with hamster (note, not to the hamster), trainee vicar, former SUSE employee. (short enough?)
- - what repository do you maintain (suser-guru, usr-local-bin, packman, suser-gbv, ...)
- - what kind of software in your repo (anything, multimedia, server stuff, ...)
Mostly GNOME stuff, other stuff by request if it tickles my fancy.
- - what SUSE versions do you build for
Currently "Current" Soon "Edge" too I hope.
- - repo URLs/formats
YaST/APT/FTP - all details are at http://usr-local-bin.org/rpms
- - email address, jabber ID, ...
Email as it appears in the From: header (not mentioned in body of mail to avoid harvesting from archives) Jabber: riggwelter@myjabber.net Yahoo!: little_riggy Have recently added the following packages: sensors-applet gnome-power-manager and updated: abiword (-plugins-impexp -plugins-tools -clipart) to 2.4.1 libgnomecups (-devel) to 0.2.2 (think the -devel got missed when it was uploaded to SUSE's FTP server) beagle (-epiphany libbeagle libbeagle-devel) to 0.1.1 gimp-beta (-devel) to 2.3.4 -- James Ogley james@usr-local-bin.org Packages for SUSE: http://usr-local-bin.org/rpms Make Poverty History: http://makepovertyhistory.org