Hi, There are new, considered to be experimental, checks for rpmlint diagnostics in Factory. So far, the following checks are enabled: arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share 590 infopage-not-gzipped 540 wrong-script-interpreter 533 arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object 499 library-without-ldconfig-postun 400 shlib-with-non-pic-code 223 files-duplicated-waste 100 summary-not-capitalized 63 spurious-executable-perm 50 devel-file-in-non-devel-package 50 wrong-file-end-of-line-encoding 1 Other checks are also perform and printed in the log file (autobuild only, opensuse buildservice will follow later), but they _do_ _not_ _matter_ right now. The number behind the check name above is the badness score that was assigned to it. if any build has a score above 1000, it is currently failed. There are some packages which might suffer from false positives of above checks. Please, in order to help clean that up, file a bugreport against me (dmueller@novell.com) mentioning package name and check that you consider false, and I'll fix it ASAP. About the warning only checks: If you encounter any of such checks that you feel are wrong, are not complying our best practices or are exceptions that should be suppressed, PLEASE tell me about it! Do not hack around them! So, if you have a failed build today, please look ONLY for '^E:' in the logfile to figure out why it was failed. Each line has a badness score besides it. Dirk --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+help@opensuse.org