Hi all, I came across espanso, a "cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust", and wanted to package it. I saw that there were some packages built for an older version, started by rickyk. I reworked the package, updated it to the current version and the current cargo packaging guidelines. And then ran into the same issue others also had on openSUSE: Specifying a different include location for xkbcommon. https://github.com/espanso/espanso/issues/995 I tried various ways to supply the compiler flag "-I/usr/include/libxkbcommon", but somehow none worked. I tried: %define __rustflags -Clink-arg=-I/usr/include/libxkbcommon export CXXFLAGS+="-I/usr/include/libxkbcommon" export OPTFLAGS+="-I/usr/include/libxkbcommon" export OPTFLAGS="%{optsflags} -I/usr/include/libxkbcommon" But this does not seem to be respected. How would I do this properly? Kind Regards, Johannes