I've written spec files for a few packages that weren't available for SUSE, purely picked at random, just to see how well I can do at producing packages. The packages I've built successfully build on all SUSE versions from 9.0 to 10.0, although I don't foresee any problems building them on the 10.1 alphas/betas. What I'd like is for someone who's rather more experienced at packaging, which wouldn't take much really, to have a look at the spec files and see if there's anything that could be done to improve things[0]. At present I've copied the spec files and source RPMs to the free web-space provided by my ISP. Unfortunately, due to lack of space, I haven't been able to copy any of the pre-build packages. I would have hosted them on my home server, but that's on the end of a 256Kbps up-link that's presently pretty close to saturation (limited to ~80-90%) due to me keeping the 10.0, 10.0 delta[1] and 10.1alpha2 torrents running. The specs and source RPMs are presently located at: <URL:http://www.davjam.demon.co.uk/srpms/> Any suggestions, hints, tips, criticism, etc. (gratefully?) received. [0] I've already started using "install -D ..." in place of "mkdir -p" and "install ..." although, in some instances, it's failed to work in some instances so I've had to use "mkdir" and "install" [1] Not sure why I've still got the delta torrent still running as there doesn't seem to be many people either sharing or downloading the deltas. Regards, David Bolt -- Member of Team Acorn checking nodes at 50 Mnodes/s: http://www.distributed.net/ AMD1800 1Gb WinXP/SuSE 9.3 | AMD1300 512Mb SuSE 9.0 | AMD2400 256Mb SuSE 9.0 AMD2400 160Mb SuSE 10.0 | Falcon 14Mb TOS 4.02 | STE 4Mb TOS 1.62 RPC600 129Mb RISCOS 3.6 | A3010 4Mb RISCOS 3.11 | A4000 4Mb RISCOS 3.11