Hi, As I needed a singlespec-conversion of python-requests-mock I tried to do that. But this package uses "testrepository" for the checks. This requires the python program to use in a configuration file. This is one line of such a .testr.conf file:
test_command=python -m subunit.run discover requests_mock $LISTOPT $IDOPTION
I can easily replace 'python' with e.g. 'python3' with sed:
sed -i 's/python/python3/' .testr.conf testr init testr run --parallel
It works, but it's not a nice solution and can break in the future. So I'd somehow need to "iterate" over all available python-binaries. Currently with python2 and python3 I can hardcode it. Using %python_expand does not work here because it calls the interpreter along with a lot of other commands, I'd just need the last line of that macro. Looking a the macro definitions - without knowledge how they work - I couldn't find out how I could extract that. Is there a good way to that better? Or if not - is it ok to leave it as it is? Here is the package: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:sebix:branches:devel:languages:... Sebastian -- python programming - mail server - photo - video - https://sebix.at cryptographic key at https://sebix.at/DC9B463B.asc and on public keyservers