On Sun, 23 Oct 2005, James Ogley <james@usr-local-bin.org> wrote:-
What I'd like is for someone who's rather more experienced at packaging, which wouldn't take much really, to have a look at the spec files and see if there's anything that could be done to improve things[0].
Looks good to me (looking at alienpool.spec at the moment), in fact it looks better than most of my .specs :)
Well, I will admit that it's not all my work. I actually based the spec files on the pre-existing Mandrake spec files, although I did have to re-write quite a few bits. The alienpool.spec was the most "fun" to adapt as I first needed to figure out all the %_games*dir macros, then I ended up completely re-writing the %install section as it didn't work, and then I finished by correcting the %files section. That was after having to start afresh with all the autoconf tools so that I could make a new "configure" that worked. Aircrack.spec was also based on a Mandrake spec file, which I updated to a newer source. I made a mistake in the %changelog section for that as, when I updated the source, I used ctrl-k and ctrl-u[0] and then edited that line, instead of ctrl-k, ctrl-u and ctrl-u, and editing the first line and adding a line underneath. I've corrected that mistake and the proper changelog should now be there.
(That said mine tend to be based on the internal SUSE conventions for .spec files and I'm too lazy to change ;))
[0] nano[1] delete and "undo" delete. [1] not to start another editor flame-fest... Regards, David Bolt -- Member of Team Acorn checking nodes at 50 Mnodes/s: http://www.distributed.net/ AMD1800 1Gb WinXP/SuSE 9.3 | AMD1300 512Mb SuSE 9.0 | AMD2400 256Mb SuSE 9.0 AMD2400 160Mb SuSE 10.0 | Falcon 14Mb TOS 4.02 | STE 4Mb TOS 1.62 RPC600 129Mb RISCOS 3.6 | A3010 4Mb RISCOS 3.11 | A4000 4Mb RISCOS 3.11