It's good there is such a good and exhaustive description. If there would be also such a good quick how to for beginners, it'd be really beneficial, as the lower entry barrier, the more contributors.
It is not very visible but on the bottom of https://build.opensuse.org there is a link to OBS manuals (https://openbuildservice.org/help/manuals/obs-user-guide/). While this of course attemps to cover the issue for somebody wanting to use OBS, it does cover basics of packaging and could serve as a quick start guide for complete beginners - speaking from experience here :) -- Lukas Kucharczyk — Technical Writer, SUSE Linux s.r.o. Corso II, Křižíkova 148/34, 186-00 Praha 8 — Karlín, Czech Republic Email: lukas.kucharczyk@suse.com - Office telephone: +420 284 084 000