Packagers/Developers, during the merge of sf.net, sls.de and the openSUSE support forums at forums.novell.com into the official openSUSE Forums, we decided to establish a dedicated subsection for questions about the openSUSE Build Service. In addition to that, there's a section dealing with programming/scripting in general. The ultimate goal of that approach was to achieve synergies for the OBS out of the openSUSE Forums (especially to achieve the participation of folks not that used to mailinglists). Unfortunately these sections in the Forums are not that frequently used, questions by newbies could not be answered appropraite as we lack participation of advanced folks in programming/scripting and packaging. Therefore I'd like to ask you if it would be possible for you to help us and participate in the following section of the openSUSE Forums? http://forums.opensuse.org/programming-scripting/ The OBS section is designed as a subsection here, http://forums.opensuse.org/programming-scripting/opensuse-build-service-obs/ The whole OSF staff would be pleased if you'd be able to help out and provide some of your experiences to new and existing users interested in the OBS and programming/scripting in general. As I said we hope to achieve synergies and bring you back some folks interested, but not that used to mailinglists and prefer the Forums as a communication medium. I myself wrote an article at lizards.o.o 2 months ago, that is maybe worth a read in that context, http://lizards.opensuse.org/2008/06/17/nntp-access-to-the-opensuse-forums/ I'd love to get an insight into your thoughts about it. Suggestions for further attracting of developers/packagers to use the OSF (besides NNTP) are certainly welcome and appreciated! Thanks a lot in advance! Best, Rupert -- Rupert Horstkötter, openSUSE Community Email: rhorstkoetter@opensuse.org Phone: +49 6151 7897817 Mobile: +49 176 21820039 --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-packaging+help@opensuse.org