Dear python-experts, I wanted to play around with python-redfish, so I started to package it. mnhauke already had a package, which I took as a starting point and tried to convert to singlespec. home:ojkastl_buildservice:Redfish_openSUSE 2 questions: ### I copied the update-alternative stuff from another spec (I think python-chardet), and it seems to build, but this is in the logs. Am I missing something in the spec? Error in the mv commands (mv /usr/bin/redfish-client /usr/bin/redfish-client-2.7 etc.)? Conditional missing?
[ 71s] (order: reverse python-redfish-common python2-redfish python3-redfish) [ 71s] update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/bin/redfish-client-2.7 doesn't exist [ 71s] update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/bin/redfish-check-cartridge-2.7 doesn't exist [ 71s] warning: %postun(python2-redfish-0.4.1-3.1.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 2 [ 71s] update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/bin/redfish-client-3.6 doesn't exist [ 71s] update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/bin/redfish-check-cartridge-3.6 doesn't exist [ 71s] warning: %postun(python3-redfish-0.4.1-3.1.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 2
### I created a subpackage python-redfish-common and required it in the preamble, as there are some files, that seem to exist or be needed in both the python2 and python3 package. %files -n %{name}-common %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/redfish-client.conf %{_datadir}/redfish-client %{_mandir}/man1/python-redfish.1%{ext_man} I have not tested, whether both versions can use the same config file (I guess so). There are some templates in %{_datadir}/redfish-client that seem to be needed by both versions. Is this a valid approach? Or should I solve this differently? I found nothing (or missed it) in the singlespec page. ### Thanks in advance for any hints, tips, tricks and comments! Johannes