8 Feb
8 Feb
Hi, * V Středa 8. únor 2012, 09:41:19 [CET] Johannes Meixner napsal:
Hello Stephan,
On Feb 3 10:55 Stephan Kulow wrote (excerpt):
During the last week I worked on a project that I have on my TODO list for just too long: sending out mails about the state of factory packages.
Today I got the first of those mails and I like it very much!
I like it too. However, the script has problems with identifying versions numbers. From the script's output: Packages with new upstream versions: perl-Authen-SASL - packaged: 2.15, upstream: 2.1401 perl-Convert-UUlib - packaged: 1.4, upstream: 1.34 These versions aren't newer. -- Vita Cizek