What about everyone maintaining a public repository introducing himself here ? - shortly
Bernhard Walle, 22, living in Germany (Bavaria), Student of Computer Science at University of Applied Sciences, Landshut. Using Linux since 2000, started SuSE Linxu 6.3.
- what repository do you maintain (suser-guru, usr-local-bin, packman, suser-gbv, ...)
Part of Packman community
- what kind of software in your repo (anything, multimedia, server stuff, ...)
My packages: Various desktop tools (more desktop-independent, Gtk/Gnome than KDE). Planning current Xfce packages (in arrangement with suser-ollaka).
- what SUSE versions do you build for
10.0, i586. No plans to build for 10.1 alpha versions.
- repo URLs/formats
What Packman Provides.
- email address, jabber ID, ...
E-Mail: bernhard.walle@gmx.de Jabber: bwalle@jabber.ccc.de IRC: sometimes on #packman (on freenode), nick: bwalle Regards, Bernhard