12 Jul
12 Jul
Hi Jeff, going through your analysis in more details I noticed one more thing. On 12.07.24 06:48 Jeff Kowalczyk wrote:
# build binary up one level to prevent dirty VCS tree regclient> go build -o ../regctl-bin ./cmd/regctl/ && ../regctl-bin version VCSTag: (devel) VCSRef: 766ee6291f882778207ff42207f9ca8b1da54e57 VCSCommit: 766ee6291f882778207ff42207f9ca8b1da54e57 VCSState: clean VCSDate: 2024-05-14T13:18:19Z Platform: linux/amd64 GoVer: go1.22.4 GoCompiler: gc
The "(devel)" is to be expected, because they use a ldflag for VCSTag. While they use buildinfo for the rest. But this means the buildinfo itself is working. You did this outside of OBS, right? While connected to the network? Kind Regards, Johannes