Thinking about what we need for python3 conversion long-term, a few issues have come to mind that currently aren't addressed well in the macros or previous discussions: 1. We really need to get rid of using unversioned "python" in shebangs. 2. We need to switch everything over to use versioned rpm names (particularly "python2-foo"), while still supporting older SLE/Leap versions. 3. We need to be able to handle builds that don't include python2. 4. pytest often checks the directories being used, which breaks when using "%python_expand" Regarding 1, there are currently two pain points. First and most obvious is the fact that the shebangs have to be edit manually. The second is that if we want versioned shebangs, we need to manually recompile the files to avoid mtime issues. Ideally changing the shebangs could be handled automatically during %python_build, but there could still be a separate macro that could be called in cases where manual changes are necessary. Recompiling is needed in other situations as well, so having a macro to handle that would be useful in general. Regarding 2, this is more of a policy issue. I think all packages, even python2-only ones, should be switched over to using singlespec. This makes sure that they have the correct name on all platforms. Backports packages should have a conditional "skip_python3" that is set to disable building for python versions equal to or greater than the version they were backported from, even when those versions are no longer shipped by openSUSE. There should also be a policy that, when an upstream package drops python2 support, the last-supported python2 version should be made available in the "python2-foo" package. Only "python-foo-doc" and "python-foo-data" can have the unversioned "python-" name, and that is only for version-independent documentation and assets, respectively. Regarding 3, there are again two main pain points. The first is that there is no macro I am aware of to reliable determine if a given python version is being built. %have_python2 and %have_python3 no longer work reliably AFAIK. The second is that build dependencies for particular python versions cannot be reliably disabled if that python version is not built. Currently most packages that have a python2-only build dependency just unconditionally require it, which means it will be pulled in even if python2 builds are disabled. Ideally I would like to see "%{python2_module foo}" and "%{python3_module foo}" that will only pull in that dependency if that version of python is being used. This also has the advantage of not needing to care about backwards-compatibility issues of "python-foo" vs. "python2-foo" names, which is handled inconsistently right now. If that is not feasible, just having a reliable check would be an improvement. Regarding 4, I don't really understand what "%python_expand" is doing behind the scenes, and whether there is a simple workaround or whether the macro needs to do something different internally. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: