Em Qui, 2006-01-05 às 10:23 +0100, Krzysztof Lichota escreveu:
be fully used by person not knowing English, because package summaries and descriptions are in English. So, I would like to draw your attention
I totally agree!
How I imagine it:
Mandriva has an interesting way of doing it. All the spec files are available on a CVS server ( http://cvs.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/SPECS/ ) from which anyone can checkout. Unfortunately I don't know how do they manage to receive and commit the translated files, not even if they do. A semi-public CVS with the spec files is a good idea for a start. Only certain authenticated users can checkout, and only those could return the translated file, by e-mail only, no commit. The spec/po/spec idea is also nice, and maybe easier to manage by the SUSE developers, since they don't have to deal with the fact that the spec file could be modified on other sections except the ones that need translation. Although it would be rather tricky to make the split/merge scripts for that, and it would still require some kind of control over future changes (cvs or svn). OTOH, SUSE developers should be the ones to indicate the path, since thy need to say how they want/can/need to manage those files in order to merge with the final specs and not create an extra step on their building process (automation). BTW, there should be "translation managers" for each language. People that would be responsible for taking care of the language and content on the resulting work.
Anyway, I would like to start the discussion on this matter as I think it is very important for average users :)
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