On Thu, 2016-08-18 at 09:17 +0930, Simon Lees wrote:
I was suggesting python-pypi-daemon, in the case that my above suggestion really wasn't liked by someone or there was a conflict. I guess if the package "daemon" and the package "python-daemon" both existed in pypi the most logical naming would be to have a python- daemon package and a python-python-daemon package, and yes I guess thats slightly silly and confusing but its only following on upstreams sillyness and confusion in that case. But I think if only the package "daemon" exists or only the package "python-daemon" exists in both cases the name of the openSUSE package should be python-daemon, searching pypi your clearly going to find the right package that way.
I don't think it's pracical to have a naming policy that changes the outcome 'depending on what else is there on pypi' - especially as this content can change. Just imagine day 'x', I go to package the 'currently existing' python- FOO from pypi - there is no FOO yet on pypi, so according to your rasoning, I am calling my package python-FOO. On day 'x+1', FOO appears on pypi... what now? The correct approach is what is currently happening in RPM[0]: automatic provides for python modules, similar to what is already done for Perl and Ruby... then the package name is quite irrelevant, as dependencies should not be expressed by the package name, but the actual 'module' one wants to load. Cheers, Dominique [0] http://www.rpm.org/ticket/154