Am 09.02.22 um 13:51 schrieb Johannes Meixner:
On 2022-02-09 13:21, Dominique Leuenberger / DimStar wrote:
zypper rm trytond shows all the things that MUST be removed when removing trytond - so what is actuall requiring it.
YOUR usecase calls for "zypper rm -u trytond" - do a cleanup of 'now unused stuff'
on Leap 15.3 "man zypper" reads (excerpts): --------------------------------------------------------------- remove (rm) ... ... -u, --clean-deps Automatically remove dependencies which become unneeded after removal of requested packages. ---------------------------------------------------------------
I wonder what exactly "unneeded after removal" means here. Unneeded by the system or unneeded by the user?
All leave packages are "unneeded dependencies" but the leave packages are usually the applications which the user actually wants. I assume "zypper rm -u something" does not also "just remove" all leave packages.
I assume when applicationA recommends applicationB and nothing else requires or recommends applicationB then "zypper rm -u applicationA" also removes applicationB but applicationB will not be removed when it is recommended by something else e.g. by an installed applicationC but then "zypper rm -u applicationA applicationC" will also remove applicationB.
This is explained in the man page: Automatically installed packages Packages added by the dependency solver in order to resolve a user’s request are remembered as having been automatically installed. They may later be removed, if no more user installed packages depend on them (e.g. by zypper remove --clean-deps). In the Status column the search command distinguishes between user installed packages (i+) and automatically installed packages (i). I can only assume that this covers not only required but also recommended packages if they have been automatically installed because of "solver.onlyRequires = false" in /etc/zypp/zypp.conf. My understanding is that this will drop recommended packages only if there are conflicts. So I think your assumption should be correct. Best regards, Aaron