On 04.02.24 16:18 Ben Greiner wrote:
Hi Johannes,
Am 04.02.24 um 15:00 schrieb Johannes Kastl:
Hi Seife,
damn, I completely forgot this question. Sorry for the late THANK YOU...
On 22.12.23 12:15 Stefan Seyfried wrote:
Actually this also results in the same thing if you remove the %post and %postun from your specfile, so there seems to be no way for you to influence these scriptlets.
I'd write it off as either a false positive or "something that the ruby macro maintainers have to fix" :-) Thanks for digging into this. Then I will ignore this.
IMHO you should not ignore it. It ties right into your other question about your manual addtion to gem2rpm.yml.
If someone has an idea how to fix it, I'll eagerly test...
Your plain %postun directives probably don't propagate to the subpackages for individual flavors generated by %gem_packages.
Yes, but how to specify directives for the auto-generated packages? There is only a generic "post" in the gem2rpm.yml. Kind Regards, Johannes