Hi all, I found regclient today and packaged it:
https://github.com/regclient/regclient https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:ojkastl_buildservice:Branch_Vir...
Unfortunately, the version output is broken, as the package uses the go debug.buildinfo internally:
$ regctl version VCSTag: 0.6.1 VCSRef: unknown VCSCommit: unknown VCSState: unknown VCSDate: unknown Platform: linux/amd64 GoVer: go1.22.5 GoCompiler: gc $ No matter what I do, I cannot get it to properly show the version. I changed the _service file to include the .git directory (in both obs_scm and the buildtime tar repackaging) and made sure git-core was installed. But it errors out with the generic "error obtaining VCS status: exit status 128" error that means that something went wrong with git. My guess is that git cannot reach the remote, due to being offline in OBS. Removing the remote before building (git remote remove origin) does not solve this issue. So, besides patching the file to have the actual desired information init, is there a way to get "go build" to spit out a binary containing the debuginfo? I tried various combinations of options and ldflags for the go build command, but to no avail. Any ideas, anyone? Kind Regards, Johannes