Axel Braun píše v Po 29. 10. 2018 v 16:14 +0100:
I have a python package (GooCalendar) that needs python-goocanvas. For python2 everything is fine. For python3 the 'Requires' in GooCalendar asks for a python- goocanvas, but during install it wants python3-goocanvas, which does not exist .
In fact, python-goocanvas provides a binary 'goocanvasmodule.so' in /usr/ lib64/python2.7/sitepackages, but no further python files, so it is basically python-version independent.
How could we best make it useable for py 2 and 3? (Singlespec does not cover this as far I could see)
Hi, I know it can get bit with complex packages, but there is a whole section in python packaging wiki devoted to Requires where it says quite verbatim what you need to do. Even if you stubbornly do something exactly it warns against, to quote: """ Warning: In particular, do not use %python_module for Requires. """ Anyway the goocanvas is quite python dependent, It compiles against the python devel and it can't be made to actually compile against python3 based on what I see in the git repository. HTH Tom