On Wed, 8 Feb 2012, Vitezslav Cizek wrote:
Hi, * V Středa 8. únor 2012, 09:41:19 [CET] Johannes Meixner napsal:
Hello Stephan,
On Feb 3 10:55 Stephan Kulow wrote (excerpt):
During the last week I worked on a project that I have on my TODO list for just too long: sending out mails about the state of factory packages.
Today I got the first of those mails and I like it very much!
I like it too.
However, the script has problems with identifying versions numbers. From the script's output:
Packages with new upstream versions: perl-Authen-SASL - packaged: 2.15, upstream: 2.1401 perl-Convert-UUlib - packaged: 1.4, upstream: 1.34
These versions aren't newer.
Yeah, for gcc46 it says we package 4.6 and upstream is 4.6.1 (we package the 4.6 branch, currently at 4.6.3 and upstream is 4.6.2, Version is 4.6.2_20111212) Richard.