2 May
2 May
Banks _should_ check the user agent string - I'd call it a security feature.
I disagree because they are obviously doing it incorrectly. The latest YOU for 10.0 is MozillaFirefox-1.0.8 (a version upgrade, btw.) which has all security fixes and does not differ from the upstream versioning scheme in any way. And it's not their business what browsers people use (if they use a browser sniffer, will it allow Konqueror, Epiphany?), it doesn't make anything more secure and the update policy can't take all eventualities into account anyway. Andreas Hanke -- GMX Produkte empfehlen und ganz einfach Geld verdienen! Satte Provisionen f�r GMX Partner: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/partner