Branch: refs/heads/master Home: Commit: fbb353690da2e4eeca0661e0e8f5f1141bee41ce Author: Adrian Schröter <> Date: 2014-10-09 (Thu, 09 Oct 2014) Changed paths: M M Build/ M Build/ M Build/ M Build/ M Build/ M Build/ A COPYING M build M build-pkg M build-pkg-arch M build-pkg-deb M build-pkg-rpm M build-recipe M build-recipe-arch M build-recipe-dsc M build-recipe-kiwi M build-recipe-mock M build-recipe-preinstallimage M build-recipe-spec M build-vm M build-vm-ec2 M build-vm-emulator M build-vm-kvm M build-vm-lxc M build-vm-openstack M build-vm-qemu M build-vm-uml M build-vm-xen M build-vm-zvm M changelog2spec M common_functions M computeblocklists M createarchdeps M createrepomddeps M createrpmdeps M createyastdeps M createzyppdeps M debtransform M debtransformbz2 M debtransformzip M download M emulator/ M expanddeps M extractbuild M getbinaryid M init_buildsystem M initvm.c M killchroot M livebuild_pre_run.template M mkbaselibs M mkdrpms M order M queryconfig M signdummy M spec2changelog M spec_add_patch M spectool M substitutedeps M t/dist M t/live-build M unrpm M vc Log Message: ----------- - add GPL license and headers. Most of it is GPL v2 or v3 licensed. Some parts only v2 atm, but I will check with authors for v3 permission