Has anyone had any luck getting the game Terminus running in SuSE 8.2, if so, what is the trick? I have tired a number things and the only thing I figure it might be is the libc version (the game - abliet an older one - suggests it would run fine with libc 1.2 or greater) or our old friend mesa (ie. the game requires a newer version than what is there). I've checked the groups.google.com (lists) and a number of other avenues without luck. I have game installed in a typical location: /usr/local/games where I have run others from successfully. when I start Terminus, I run it as user$ terminus user$ terminus +gfx_renderer "opengl" and it simply fails to start, asks for another disk and fails, seg faults etc. At any rate, I have yet to get past the game intro. any advice would be appreciated. Also I have found the information on the terminus.cnf file sketchy. I don't have one and don't know wherther to import one form somewhere, create one from scratch, etc. But I don't have on to start with. Marcel -- Marcel Lecker <volvox@telusplanet.net>
participants (1)
Marcel Lecker