Re: <>Re: [suse-multimedia-e] Sound Problem SuSE 9.1, KDE 3.2.3 need help

On Thursday 10 June 2004 10:41 pm, Spam Controller wrote:
If I don't know you,Leave me alone you spamming mavros.
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-----Original Message:-----
From: Ralph De Witt <> To: "Dan Freed" <> CC: Subject: Re: [suse-multimedia-e] Sound Problem SuSE 9.1, KDE 3.2.3 need help Sent date: Thu Jun 10 22:14:18 PDT 2004
Two of these in one day. Now this window troll, will never bother me again. He has earned a place in Spam filter list, from this moment forward all his very objectionable spam goes to my spam folder never to see the light of day, never to be heard of again. Bye Bye Troll, enjoy the darkness. -- Yours, Ralph. It said Use Windows XP or better, so I installed SuSE Linux version 9.1 Register Linux User 168814 ICQ #49993234 AIM & Yahoo ralphfdewitt Jabber ralphdewitt GPG Public Key available at Key fingerprint = DE4D 6225 A558 A2B9 8DEC 7E94 BB6F 435C 0DE2 085D 03E7 Kernel version 2.6.4-54.5-default Current Linux uptime: 1 days 11 hours 10 minutes.
participants (1)
Ralph De Witt