27 Feb
27 Feb
Hallo friends, I've been trying to get the jackd sound server to work under SuSE 10.0: - kill some processes: killall -9 artsd killall -9 jackd - Start the sound server: jackd -vv -d alsa -d hw:0 & - Send a sine-wave to test it ecasound -f:32,1,44100 -i null -o jack_alsa -b:1024 -el:sine_fcac,440,1 -> Silence - Start hydrogen, select a demo, play it -> Silence - Start zynaddsubfx & -> Silence My Tecra S3 can play everything through alsa and oss. So the sound system seems to work in principle. Has anyone gotten jackd to play under SuSE 10.0 ? Please help, Cheers, Wolfgang