The specific card is the Asylum GeForce4 Ti 4600 by BFG Technologies. The specifications on the box say it is equiped with TV in/out and there are 6 connectors on this puppy. A DVI out, VGA out, S-video in, S-video-out, TV-in(rca) and TV-out(rca). All I really want to do with it is plug in a video camera. I'm not so concerned with the tuner aspect of it as just getting the video-in to work. But I suppose a tuner/decoder would still be required for that.
I believe you might be trying to get TV Reception off this card, and according to their web page, I see no mention of a tuner section on the card. Cards such as WinTV and ATI All-in Wonder cards include a TV Tuner and decoders to function as a TV Receiver.
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 11:23, aseelye@blackfoot.net wrote:
I recently installed this card and it has been fantastic. It installed very easily and it's putting out around 400 fps in every game I've got (Q3, RtCW, a few
others) with all of the eye candy turned on and maxxed out. I also managed to get twinview working right off the bat with no problems so overall I'm very
pleased with this card.
The only thing I haven't figured out yet is the TV-in function. I had an old Hauppauge WinTV card on here and it worked great with XawTV. But I'm at a total loss as to how to get the TV-in working with the GeForce4. The system doesn't
seem to be detecting any TV input of any kind and NVidia and BFGtech have absolutely nothing in their documentation about configuring TV-in at all except that the capability is there.
I'm using SuSE 7.3 with kernel v2.4.16. I'm relatively dumb about working with kernel modules so if that has anything to do with it I don't even know where
to start. I just assumed that NVidias kernel module (1.0-4191) and GLX drivers
should be all that I need. Below are the specs for my system.
SuSE 7.3, Kernel 2.4.16 xF86 4.2 1.5 GHz AthlonXP 768mb DDR RAM VIA KT333 chipset
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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