Specs: 333 Mhz AMD K6-2 with 352 MB of SDRAM, Ensoniq AudioPCI 1370 SuSE 7.3 Personal Edition I purchased OSS sound drivers thinking they'd fix my clicky sound in Quake 3. But I see that my computer had ALSA running and OpenAL and an artsd server that should've allowed several sounds to be played at the same time. When I was playing Quake 3 the sounds would interrupt each other. All I did to install OSS was use the install script and use /usr/local/bin/soundon to turn the sound on *ahem*. I purchased the license for the software as well. My questions are. is OSS really better than ALSA/OpenAL? And what tweaks do I need to do for better clearer sound (no clicking) and automatic startup (the instructions included in OSS don't address Suse' file structure. Tony Jones