Hello, thank you for your readiness to help! I was not aware, that this is an english list, as I did the subscription on the german web-page of suse. Sorry. My question was, how to install the Ricoh DVD/CDRW MP9120 using linux 7.0 (yast does not yet contain this device). As I am not at all a linux expert, I would need some kind of step-by-step description. Unfortunately, I did not find a web page or anything dealing with this problem on the world wide web, so I had the idea to subscribe to this list and ask, if anybody could help me... Fortunately, John Monaghan is alreadey willing to give me some instructions :-) so I hope, it will work in the end! Best regards, Juliane
I'd love to help but I don't understand German. However I am going to take a guess and suggest:
hwinfo --cdrom
to check which device it is, that ide-scsi is being used and then you can check if the links are correct for cdrom and cdrecord. also run hwscan --cdrom.
so you can see which device it is connected to.
but the problem could be anything for all I know. Let us know in English, after all this is an English list
--- Juliane Bergmann <Juliane.Bergmann@gmx.de> wrote:
:-) Das Problem ist, daß ich mich nicht besonders gut mit Linux auskenne... Ich verwende es zwar, um unter Linux zu programmieren, habe mich aber noch nicht weiter damit beschäftigt, wie man es "per Hand" konfiguriert (der Ricoh-DVD/CDRW ist im Yast leider noch nicht dabei). Mit fstab, idescsi-Modul etc. kann ich deshalb leider nicht viel anfangen, und im Internet habe ich auch keine Info-Seite gefunden, wo drinsteht, was man wo eintragen muß, damit das ganze läuft. Irgendwie schwierig, da Infos herzubekommen... Ich bräuchte also quasi eine Art Anleitung, was der Reihe nach zu tun ist. Wäre nett, wenn mir da jemand weiterhelfen könnte!
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