Open the volume in the mixer ! Look at the settings in your personal configuration. ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 10:06 PM Subject: [suse-multimedia-e] NoteEdit doesn't produce any sound
Hi All!
My name is Keith Roberts.
I have a SuSE 8.1 (pro) setup.
I Have installed all the sound packages from CD-ROM after doing a Minimal Linux installation.
The problem is this:
Noteedit seems to be installed ok. I tell it to play the first example but all it does is run through the demo, highlights the notes played, but there is no sound at all.
Alsa loads on Linux boot, and also the cmipci driver.
I have a PCI soundcard with a CMI8738 audio chip onboard.
The soundcard works with KMIDI, and also with alsasynth, and Vkeyboard.
I just cannot figure out why noteedit does not work.
Has anyone else had a similar problem with noteedit not working?
Thankyou - Keith R.