Hi I saw something called tkphone at www.thekompany.com http://www.thekompany.com/products/tkphone/ It is not GNU or GPL, it is commertial software, and for the phone service you have to get an account at www.iconnecthere.com, It is really a goot option if you are not in the US, or if you need to low your long distance charges by prepaid fares. bye Miguel Rabi PLUG www.linux.org.pe On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 03:19, Richard Caldwell wrote:
does anybody know if the following is possible, and what application I could use. Is it possible to make a phone call to a telephone with a PC connected to the internet. e.g. a machine continuously online using adsl or even a dial up connection to an ISP. Can I use my IP connection to make telephone calls anywhere without paying extra for them?
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