Dear folks, I have suffered a harddisk-crash on 20021127, and I now got this hdd back from guarantee services. So I am back. I am currently downloading >2000 Emails from the servers. But I lost some mails, so would you be so kind as to copy from your personal folder: - all mails going through this list - personal mail to me which was send out during the time of NOV 27 /2002 and today, which is JAN 12 of 2003. ====================== THANK YOU! IMPORTANT: In the case that I have not answered your mail, your mail might be among the ones that I have lost, so please go to you SENT folder and send it once again! Then, give me some time to answer because I have to go through >2000 mails from today's downloads on. -- *º¤.,___,.¤º*¨¨¨*¤ =Oliver@home= *º¤.,¸¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤ I / __|__ I I / / |_/ I I \ \__|_\ I I \___| I
Telek0ma iBBMS - moving house, but online! +49....TRSi1 <<<