On Sunday 29 August 2004 14:14, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
Have you gone to http://www.xsane.org to see if xsane supports your scanner? XSane is just a graphical user interface for sane and the applications that you cited as not seeing your scanner are all graphical. If your scanner is not supported by xsane, you can still scan from the command line, or there are other scanner gui's available, such as: vuescan http://www.hamrick.com/vsm.html
What brand/model of scanner do you have? Have you checked in /etc/scan.d/ for the config file and does it require modification?
(I know you realise) I was posting to indicate that between upgrades some devices that were working, stop working (it is my experience that they start working again one upgrade later). The scanner is the canoscan 670u and is auto detected by YaST and assigned the plustek driver. It successfully acquired a test image during set up. The scanner used to work through kooka in 9.0. Until 9.1 I have not needed to touch xsane. Currently Yast describes the device as "libusb" However I cannot find that device in /dev/usb to test xsane [plustek:/dev/usb/libusb] [-s] from the command line (so kooka and indeed the gimp are irrelevant at this time) The entries dev/usb/ contains are [scanner0] [scanner1] etc. It reminds me of the printer problem that I couldn't solve when I upgraded from 8.2 to 9.0. Then echo -en "\rHello\r\f" >/dev/usblp0 worked, but echo -en "\rHello\r\f" >/dev/usb/lp0 did not work and CUPS seemed to be looking for the latter entry. I tried symbolic linking but could not solve the problem. I cannot find libusb anywhere so even if I had confidence in my ability to correctly create a symbolic link, I am not sure that it would be any use. TIA