On Monday 14 November 2005 15:33, Peter Vollebregt wrote:
chuck wrote:
I'm trying to get sound working on Suse 10 on a card site for my wife before she goes back to winderz. The site in question is "http://www.zworks.com/forever/ " I tryed other sites and the same thing ,, Please help
TIA Chuck
This site is using midi to play the music. This uses soundfonts to create the sound (a bit like normal fonts to produce readable text). Your soundcard can be able to support this (the default stuff on motherboards normally not), but otherwise you need a piece of software to create the sound.
The software you need probably is called 'timidity'. Install this if it is not installed already. When it works you can listen to midi music if you eneble timidity as the helper application. For firefox/mozilla you click on one of the .midi hyperlinks and tell the system once to open it via /usr/bin/timidity (my system tried to do it wia amarok by default with no success). Afterwards the browser will offer this as the default.
If it does not work check the setings from your soundcard via YaST. 'Enable sequencer' should be ticked. You can try to delete and reenable your soundcard. When restarting the soundserver (as root 'rcalsasound restart') it should work.
If not: first check if the sounds are not at a zero volume or muted (normally the kmix mixer) if still not: try to launch timidity manually via /usr/bin/timidity -iA -B2,8 -Os -EFreverb=0
In Suse 9.1 timidity would not start automatically and i added an executable file timidity.sh to my ~/.kde/Autostart folder with as content
/#!/bin/sh/ /#/ /#/ /usr/bin/timidity -iA -B2,8 -Os -EFreverb=0 *&*
HTH, Peter Vollebregt Thanks Peter I shall give it a try , forgot about Timidity Chuck