On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 17:45:38 -0500 "Jose J. Cintron" <jcintron@mitre.org> wrote:
Just installed SuSE 9.0 and when I try to install MPlayer I get a message saying that libsmbclient.so.0 is needed. 2 questions come to mind
1. Why does Mplayer need smbclient? 2. I already have libsmbclient3 installed, what is it looking for?
I even tried creating a sym link to libsmbclient3.so.0 to no avail.
Any help will be appreciated.
Two options: 1. use the --nodeps flag (this will produce dependency warnings of yast2 each time you start it) 2. install mplayer from source, you'll have better performance Regards, -- ________________________ /"\ Vakvarju \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign vakvarju_at_spektrum-3d_dot_hu X Against HTML Mail / \