26 Feb
26 Feb
Mihai Vartic a écrit:
Hi, I'm new in linux, so maybe I'll put a stupid question. I've installed aviplayer 0_5.3 for linux, everything looked great during the instalation, but when I try to play an avi file , I see and
hear nothing. In Linux term, from where I've started the aviplayer (aviplay) everything looks fine ( the avi file is detected, the sound is stereo)
but still nothing happends.The problem is identical if i start the player with "aviplay xx.avi" or with "aviplay" and I choose my avifile
from the menu. There are some more configurations to be done ? My videocard is ASSUS V7100 (GFORCE 2MX 400) and my OS is Linux SUSE 7.2. Can anybody give me an advice ?? Greetings, Mihai