Hi Alain, .rm is a RealMedia file. mplayer supports also this format if you put the libraries in before compiling. What about capturing - I use the following commandline for this, sorry if it's too long ,-) mencoder -tv on:driver=v4l:input=1:width=640:height=480:forceaudio:amode=0:adevice=/dev/audio -ovc lavc -lavcopts vbitrate=1000:vhq -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=128:mode=3 -vop lavcdeint -o capture.avi -endpos 00:30:00 With this settings it takes the composite input of my TV-card and line-in from the audio card. lavcdeint options clears the step-like artifacts, and endpos assures that the whole capture takes only 30 minutes - then I can use it in batch mode ,-) Good luck, Eduard --- Alain Barth�lemy <cassandre@bartydeux.be> wrote:
----- Forwarded message from Alain Barth�lemy <cassandre@bartydeux.be> -----
Subject: mencoder .rm files From: Alain Barth�lemy <cassandre@bartydeux.be> Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 11:52:20 +0200 To: suse-multimedia <suse-multimedia-e@suse.com> User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i
One year ago I started encoding DivX files from video signals with VCR (I forget how).
I would like to do it with mencoder:
In a list of examples I can read the instruction:
# mencoder -ovc lavc basket.rm -oac mp3lame -o basket.avi
What kind of file is basket.rm?
In SuSE-8.2 I can watch TV with Xine and a simple (not WinTV) Miro-Pctv Card.
It is not very clear for me but how to capture and compress to DivX an analog video signal?
Thank you
-- Alain Barth�lemy cassandre@bartydeux.be http://bartydeux.be Linux User #315631
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-- Alain Barth�lemy cassandre@bartydeux.be http://bartydeux.be Linux User #315631
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