Successstory - Suspend To Disk on Inspiron 8000

Hi, I've got it working: S U S P E N D T O D I S K (S2D) of course, besides Suspend to RAM (S2R) that worked from the beginning. I used Dell's mk2sd to create a suspend partition of type 0x84 as first primary partition on my harddrive (/dev/hda1). The magic option is -f! If you just call mk2sd without any option it will create a suspend partition that is too small. If you call mk2sd with only the -p option it creates a suspend partition the same size as by mk2sd called without any option. Example: My I8000 has 512 MB RAM and 32 MB memory on it's Geforce2Go video card. mk2sd creates a suspend partition of size ~486 MB. Don't ask why ...! Even if I call mk2sd -p552M it creates a partition the same size (~486 MB). First, you have to calculate the size of the suspend partition (SP) to be. In the mk2sd's README.TXT you can find the formular (RAM + video RAM)*1.01 + 4 MB. After creation of the SP under DOS I tested it by pressing [FN]+A. I got an error message saying the partition's size is not sufficient. Finally I got created a partition of size 570 MB and now it works. Steps: 1. Calculate the size of the SP with the formular ((RAM size + video RAM size) * 1.01) + 4 MB and add another 16 to 24 to get your SPSIZE. 2. Create the SP with mk2sd -pSPSIZEM -f (don't forget option -f, it makes the trick!) as first partition on your HD. 3. Use it. Surprisingly, the suspend lasts more than two minutes, but the resume is done after a few seconds. I'm using SuSE Linux 8.1, but I don't think that there is some relation to the distribution. TJ
participants (1)
Domsalla, Thorsten