Neuer (New) Laptop vendors supporting Linux
Tomorrow, I would like to add a list of hardware vendors supporting Linux to Please add vendor info in your replies, and CC the vendor. I'll add the information to LQWiki to make it easy for others to find vendors supporting Linux. The list will have sections (which are started here): * Vendors providing official support (some support listed on product web page) * Good support by email and phone * * Support ACPI S4 Sleep (6 May 2004) * LAC Linux Laptops support ACPI S4 sleep (suspend to disk) for the preinstalled 2.4 or 2.6 kernel * every laptop, any GNU/Linux distribution (LAC offers Debian, Red Hat/Fedora, SuSE, Mandrake, and Slackware). * Vendor providing unofficial support (at least a statement that it should work, and reference to community support) * Vendor provides no support by hardware works * No Vendor support and problems with product * AMD, as of The following related quote is from the 2005-Jan archives. I don't read German well, so I don't know if a list of vendors supporting Linux appeared in any of the replies. Also it is not clear if a bugzilla report has been made for the problems in this thread. Has it?
Re: [suse-laptop] Re: Neuer Laptop?
From: Michael Henatsch ( Date: Sat Jan 08 2005 - 14:32:15 CET
* Next message: Philip Axer: "Re: [suse-laptop] Re: Neuer Laptop?" * Previous message: Michael Hoehne: "Re: [suse-laptop] Neuer Laptop?" * In reply to: adham hashibon: "Re: [suse-laptop] Re: Neuer Laptop?" * Next in thread: Philip Axer: "Re: [suse-laptop] Re: Neuer Laptop?" * Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] [ attachment ]
From: Michael Henatsch <> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 14:32:15 +0100 Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: [suse-laptop] Re: Neuer Laptop?
Adham, I agree with you 100%!
With some of the distributors being 'real big players' the Linux community may meanwhile have enough substance (in an economic sense) to have a realistic chance of being heard by hardware makers.
We hear this "No, we don't support Linux" not only from hardware makers but also from ISPs - even if what they offer works perfectly under Linux. It must have something to do with liability. Some are already moving to meet us half-way by saying: "Yes, it works under Linux - except our software (dialers etc.). But don't quote me on this.". There seems to be some concern that a customer might say that he opened an account with the ISP relying on that he could use it under Linux and now wants to claim compensation because some thrown-in software will not provide the extra comfort he would have enjoyed under Windows.
Distributors alone can't do this. They might set up a "certification center" in which they test hardware and then identify to the customer base which units they found to be compliant, but what if the manufacturer makes some small modification to the hardware without changing the model designation (they always do)? The distributors have to talk to manufacturers and say: "We give your product ABC a Linux Compatibility Certificate, but you must assure us that you will not make any modifications to it that will affect that compatibility".
And in order to be heard by the hardware makers (and ISPs) distributors should make a joint approach. They could form a "Linux Compatibility Alliance" which will certify hardware independent of distros.
How do we get our distributors to embark on such a project? We have to tell them that there is a demand for this. Anybode here want to suggest an address for SuSE?
And I find nothing wrong with your English.
Concerning 'nonsense for a Saturday morning': I simply add mine, and together we may then even have written enough nonsense for an entire weekend <g>
Cheers Mike
Hi all,
I just want to ask, if suse has a sponsered laptop checking program, i.e. some sort of a Suse certified sticker that manufactureres can "proudly" stick on those models which work perfectly with linux! why Novell-Suse are not trying to do so? would it really be a pain for hp/dell/Lenovo(IBM) to certify such models and have a sticker on them.... it would make it easier to us to find the right laptop! Why it has to be so unfair! Isn#t it time that those manufacturers who enjoy profits also because WE BUY MACHINES to run Linux should also show some consideration?
A year or so ago, when I got my hp nx 9005 AMD 2200+ laptop, I could not get the cpufrequency scaling right (it was before powersave days!) so I contacted AMD, they answered pilitly that they do not support Linux, not that they will release a drive for their cpu powernow technology, and the machine had a sticker that says its designed for Win XP! I find it kind of irritating, since at the same time AMD was playing with Linux to push their 64 bit chips!
What do you think? what are the reasons that no Linux distributer is doing this still??? I think Linux had come a loooooong way that
在 2005-1-8 12:56,adham hashibon 写道: those
companies have to take us the linux clients too into consideration!
Can Novel-Suse and Redhat and mandrake and other big Linux distros team together to push for such a sticker thing... I mean that what MS$ does, What linux needs maybe is a joint untited Linux like push, but not in the actual distribution rather in the marketting!!! I hope I did not write to much nonsense for one saturday morning.. and excuse my english, I still cannot master Deutsch good enough to write this...
Cheers And Happy New Year!
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