Hi, I have installed the new SuSE 10.0 (comercial version) on my ThinkPad A31p laptop, and apart some problems with the hotkeys, its running fairly decently. But I decided to experiment with a kernel tunned to my machine :-) and so I downloaded the new vannila kernel 2.6.14 source from www.kernel.org and compiled it according to my needs. Ah, the wonderfull world of kernel compilation! I soon realised that I needed to download and compile some special drivers separately (ndiswrapper, subufs, slamr and the like) but this is now done. Still, there is something which is bugging me... If I launch Skype under the new kernel, a serie of traceroute commands are launched via the (sh) shell and they just hang around, eating away the system's resources. Apparently, Skype does launch such traceroute commands from time to time, this is a normal thing, what is not normal is that they hang around, even after killing the application (i.e. Skype). Nothing like this happens if I use the 2.6.13-15-default kernel which is shipped with the DVD (note that I haven't recompiled the source for this kernel myself, I merely installed the rpm from the DVD). Any ideas? Thanks, Jaime.
participants (1)
Jaime Santos