Hallo, weiss jemand, ob mit Suse 7.3 oder 8.0 die digitale Kamera Agfa DX 3700 kompatibel ist? (Der Apparat hat 8 MB internen Speicher und ausserdem eine Multimedia Card) Gibt es irgendwo ein Skript dafuer? Ich habe in der FAQ von Agfa nachgesehen, da findet man nur Unverschaemtheiten ueber Linux. Ich zitiere mal die 2 einzigen Frangen + Antworten: 1. "Is software available to use the DX3500 camera with Linux. Thanks for your time.?" Antwort v. 10.12.01: "We do not have any support tor the Linux operating system." 2. "I would like to run my DX3600 Easy Share on Linux. Where can I get the appropriate software?" Antwort vom 1.2.02: "There are no plans that we know of to support anything other than Windows, Mac and NT operating systems. You may be able to obtain a card reader that is supported on the Linux platform. You can pull images from the card and then open the image files with any application that will handle JPEG files. I don't know if such readers exist, and they certainly will not help someone who wants to use the camera tethered to the computer to take pictures." Wilhelm Luttermann.