Am Donnerstag, 29. November 2001 20:07 schrieb Ferdinand Klinzer:
Hey Leute !!
Ich habe da mal ne frage wisst ihr wie ich ihn die offizielle Kernel Mailing list rein komme ?
In der LKML FAQ <http://www.tux.org/lkml/> (Bitte vorher lesen!) steht: --------------------------------------------------------------- How do I subscribe to the linux-kernel mailing list? (ADB) Think again before you subscribe. Do you really want to get that much traffic in your mailbox? Are you so concerned about Linux kernel development that you will patch your kernel once a week, suffer through the oopses, bugs and the resulting time and energy losses? Are you ready to join the Order of the Great Penguin, and be called a "Linux geek" for the rest of your life? Maybe you're better off reading the weekly "Kernel Traffic" summary at http://kt.zork.net/. OK, if you still want to read linux-kernel in it's full glory, send the line "subscribe linux-kernel your_email@your_ISP" in the body of the message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org (don't include the " characters, and of course replace the fake email address with your true address). You have been warned! (MEA) Quite often I see things like what this summary report tells: FAILED: <smtp cedar-republic.com edmond@cedar-republic.com 60000>: ...\ <<- RCPT To:<edmond@cedar-republic.com> ->> 550 <edmond@cedar-republic.com>... we do not relay Feeding this address to a page at URL: http://vger.kernel.org/mxverify.html yields information that ONE of their backup MX servers refuses to send email thru to them. Thus whenever all other servers fail to be reachable, that one ruins their email connectivity. Do make sure YOU don't have this very problem! See http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html for information on Majordomo. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Mit freundlichen grüssen
Ferdinand Klinzer
hth, Robert -- Where do you want to be tomorrow? Entracom. Building Linux systems. http://www.entracom.de