etem... Maybe openGarrobito be and spins jejejeje, in this remix now we have 3 version. Full(with games and multimedia apps) Live(without games) Live-USB(usb version without games) >> In spanish 2010/5/3, Pavol Rusnak <>:
On 05/03/2010 03:48 PM, S.Kemter wrote:
Am Montag, den 03.05.2010, 19:04 +0530 schrieb Manu Gupta:
I have this idea in mind which is just a clone of fedora spin project( . I think we can implement a similar idea for openSuse and create new flavours for openSuse and put it on the web site and torrents..
Give your views regarding it
plz tell me where is the difference between SUSE Edu and openSUSE medical (spin) and the "spins" of fedora?
There is no difference. Maybe one: Fedora spins are better advertised and well known.
This wiki instance has some missing templates. Not broken page is at
br gnokii
-- Regards MANU
-- Best Regards / S pozdravom,
Pavol RUSNAK SUSE LINUX, s.r.o openSUSE Boosters Team Lihovarska 1060/12 PGP 0xA6917144 19000 Praha 9, CR prusnak[at] -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
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