(belatedly...) +1 for Studio. Omg that thing is so much fun, do your own logo, add a post install script to do whatever you want.... even do a test run right there. If I can use it, anyone can. Funnest toy ever. Now I know people like big shiny things, but really it's the small stuff that I really like - that Suspend actually works and the default network manager connects every time. Simple stuff I know but hey, I like it when my machine works. I have Gnome desktop, LXDE laptop. With a bit of coaxing even ATI driver works. Similarly cool for me but simple - setting things up how I want. Someone asked was my desktop Ubuntu cos the toolbar is at the top. Nope, I just put it there. Want quick access to my fave apps? Just add it to the toolbar. All the desktop behaviours are so configurable. Want to play with the latest version of a package? No problemo, grab it from Factory. Want to try someone's new project? I can find it in Gallery or OBS. Also cool - it's still a community project, not a top-down bureaucratic organization. I can actually have real input. I can put an idea on open fate and people go 'oh yeah good idea. Here's a possible solution....' So, longwinded...but that's my thoughts for the morning.... Helen On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Jos Poortvliet <JPoortvliet@novell.com> wrote:
Anyone has some creativity left? Use it:
Exciting openSUSE: Cool: Build Service: build RPM and DEB packages from a webbrowser SUPERCOOL: even windows support is in the making; used by MeeGo, VLC and others Cool: Tumbleweed & Evergreen: rolling release repo & long-term-support for openSUSE SUPERCOOL: Tumbleweed is already available for 11.3, team is gearing up for full 11.4 support Cool: ????? SUPERCOOL: ??????
I need some more TODAY :D
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