Whooops! Accidentally replied just to Martin instead of the list. Sorry Martin. ----------------------------- On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 14:42 +0200, Martin Lasarsch wrote:
IMHO the startpage is missing to much options the user have. We offer beside download/wiki/obs a lot of other services which should be promoted better.
I miss news, lizards and the forum. Maybe there are other pages missing ...
The challenge is not to break the clear design.
My proposal:
make the 3 sections/icons we have now a little bit smaller in the height and make a second row to add news/lizards/forum.
Other ideas, or is everbody happy with the page as we have it today?
-- with kind regards,
Martin Lasarsch, Core Services
I've been experimenting on my own for the last few days with the home page of the wiki as I've been doing some cleanup on the GNOME pages, plus I added A11y pages. I wanted to see just how prominent and easy it was to find things. My problems in the past, I've heard too many people complain they can't find anything on the wiki. And for me, since I started using it in October (just after 10.3 release), it has been a "stumble-and-find" experience more than anything. People say "Well, that's what the search box is for." Not if you don't know what you're looking for or want to browse for. The concerns I have is in keeping with the "Once you're here, STAY here" strategy I firmly believe in. Doing a "Find" on the home page, there is no GNOME, and the only KDE hit was for a news article. People are going to want to find information as soon as they visit the wiki (that's the reason they came here in the first place.) The same goes for the new Accessibility pages. People who are looking for accessibility info are likely to need help ASAP because they are unable to use their computers. :-) I'm concerned about how we retain newcomers after they visit our wiki. Bryen -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+help@opensuse.org