Are they crazy? 11.3 was out last summer and they do a launch party now?
Non Greeks-marketing team say: PERFECT. They celebrate the 11.3 on 11.3 (November 3rd).
But party addict think: PERFECT. Time to party. Time to ROCK...
For all of you, get up from chairs, beds, armchairs, divans, Ubunteros, Fedoratos. Mint, arch, debian, gentoo, mandriva, slackware and rest windows user, we wait you to celebrate and rock together.
DATE: November 3rd (11.3) TIME:22.00 PLACE: ARGY'S ROCK (5th IRONOS str) MAP: http://bit.ly/bpECcx POSTER: http://diamond.comlu.com/suse/events/party/poster_11_3.png
You guys are really rockers! Very cool. May the Old Toud be with you, I wished I could send a couple of bottles... Have big fun, Klaas
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