The actual email in its completion. :-) sorry for hitting send accidnetally in the last email. Hi Team! As you know, the openSUSE Board got together in Nuremberg to discuss the general strategy plans for openSUSE for the long-term future. While there in Nuremberg for one extra day, some of us who are part of the Marketing Team got together for additional discussions around moving Marketing Team forward. Those present were: Myself, AJ, Jan Weber, Michael Loeffler and Will Stephenson. Here our our thoughts: Our first thought is that we have many things to do, but too few human resources to implement things out effectively for short therm campaigns. As a result, it becomes harder for contributors to figure out how and where to contribute where they feel most comfortable. Our second thought is looking at ways to go beyond just focusing on marketing campaigns for imeediate releases. We want to find ways to help communicate what openSUSE is all about and even help to dispel some of the misconceptions that exist about openSUSE in the world. And our third thought is to focus on how we can develop the skills of our existing team membes to be able to more broadly handle marketing tasks as well as how best to attract new talent to the marketing team. We recognize that many people have good specialties within Marketing but we want to empower our team members to be able to broaden their marketing skills and identify what areas they can personally strengthen. And finally, we agree that one major problem that exists now is that we are all taking on too many tasks. This leads to burn-out and poor quality of work. So, we wish to limit volunteers to 2-3 tasks as personal priorities before they can take on additional tasks upon completion. We identified the following areas of focus: - Campaign Planning This is related to product releases, such as OBS 2.0, openSUSE 11.3, etc. This area requires mapping out strategies for when to spread the word about such product releases and how best to effectively do so. Shayon is currently tasked with creating a marketing plan template that we can reference for each time we focus on product launches. - Long-Term Marketing This is related to how we increase openSUSE mindshare over time. What misperceptions are there out there and how do we fix them. Plus, what do we do for appearances and events. Ambassadorships also is in this category, as Ambassadors are focused on long-term community growth and awareness within their regions. - Communication This is related to how to effectively communicate to various groups out there. For example, social media, presentations and videos. we also need to start gathering up a database of media contacts and creating press packs - Events Planning This is related to gathering up a list of events that openSUSE Ambassadors should attend. Also, we should start talking about creating event kits. Events include conferences, meet & greets, -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: